Good morning good people may the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit. It is 13th April 2022. We reflect on Isaiah 50:4-9 and Matthew 26:14-25. We are on Spy Wednesday. “He makes my ear alert, to listen like a disciple… has opened my ear and I have not resisted.” Listening without […]
Dear people of God may the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit. It is 12th April 2022. We reflect on Isaiah 50:4-9 and Matthew 26:14-25. Betrayal benumbs love while denial desecrates truth. We are given two apostles who were so close to Jesus yet one betrayed and another denied. It hurts to the […]
May the Lord bless you with grace and peace in the Holy Spirit. It is 11th April 2022. We reflect on Isaiah 42:1-7 and John 12:1-11. “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen, in whom my soul delights; I have put my spirit upon him; he will bring forth justice to the nations.” […]
This is the week we need to receive God’s love through the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus
May the Lord give you grace and peace in the Holy Spirit as we celebrate the Palm Sunday we enter the Passion Sunday. It is 10th April 2022. We reflect on Isaiah 50:4-7; Philippians 2:6-11 and Luke 22:14 – 23:56. It was Palm Sunday. Due to a sore throat, 5-year-old Sammy stayed home with a […]
May the Lord give you peace and grace in the Holy Spirit. It is 09th April 2022. We reflect on Ezekiel 37:21-28 and John 11:45-56. Just a day to enter the Holy Week, we are encouraged to have hearts to love and unite as it is the core theme of the Holy Week starting from […]
May the Lord give you peace and grace in the Holy Spirit. It is 08th April 2022. We reflect on Jeremiah 20:10-13 and John 10:31-42. Whenever evil people take the upper hand around us, we wonder where God is in all these. But the readings assure us that whoever plots against us, God protects us […]
Good morning good people may the Lord bless with grace and peace in the Holy Spirit. It is 07th April 2022. We reflect on Genesis 17:3-9 and John 8:51-59. A preacher agreed to call the most notorious gangster in the town a saint at his funeral at the threat and force of his own brother. The […]
May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 06th April 2022. We reflect on Daniel 3:16-20, 24-25, 28 and John 8:31-42. Truth burns right within but never burns us down. Addiction to sin does not occur by one simple lie or an act but it is a habitual […]
May the Lord grant you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 05th April 2022. We reflect on Numbers 21:4-9 and John 8:21-30. Patience perseveres pain and persistent problems. Patience is a discipline in encountering truth in fullness. We were not born with patience we need to train our minds to discern […]
May the Lord bless you with grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit. It is 04th April 2022. We reflect on Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; and Jn 8:12-20. As we enter the Passion Week, the reading focus on giving, forgiving, and believing. It is also a week to confess our sins and stains […]