Prayer needs to become more than a habit

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is 19th October 2022. 

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is 19th October 2022.  We celebrate the memorial of St Paul of the Cross, the founder of the Passionists.  We reflect on Ephesians 3:2-12 and Luke 12:39-48.

Jesus is our access to God.  As we have the confidence and courage to experience the mercy and love of Christ through the initial Sacraments, so through the grace and mercy of God, the others too have the possible access through our generosity and willingness to know the mystery of Christ.  As St. Paul boldly proclaimed the mystery of faith to the non-Jews, so it is our turn now to reach out to the others.  God wants us to use our unique gift to spread the love of Christ to all people.  God does not want to exclude anyone from the mystery of Christ.  Excluding or keeping ourselves away from the mystery of faith or even part of ourselves from the light of Christ would lead us to exclude others eventually.

Hence our responsibility is so enormous.  It is not only taking ourselves to God, but we have the privilege to let others experience the profound mystery of Christ in the salvific plan of God in our life.  The time that is given to us is little indeed.  Are we prepared for the hour we least expect to happen?

We are aware of Jesus coming to judge when the world would end one day. But, Jesus comes to us in grace daily.  It is real and tangible when we are prepared.  It is through daily communion and communication with Christ in prayer.  The words of Psalmist shed light on this: “With joy, you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” (Is.12:3).

Prayer needs to become more than a habit.  To be alert and ready means to include everyone to enjoy the love of Christ.  St. Paul sets the tone and example we all can emulate in our life.  “From everyone to whom much has been given, much will be required; and from the one to whom much has been entrusted, even more, will be demanded.” (Lk.12:48).  Let us be prepared for the unexpected hour, as we are not aware God’s timing.  God bless you.

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