The authentic proximity with Christ never alienates or separates the poor

May the Lord give your grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 24th October

May the Lord give your grace, peace, and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 24th October 2022.  We celebrate the memorial of St Anthony Mary Claret, founder of the Claretians.  We reflect on Ephesians 4:32 – 5:8 and Luke 13:10-17.

Jesus is larger than life, love, and light.    Proximity in love clears the shadows of perplexity.  The closeness in love with others without any agenda of darkness is charity.  The measures of love gestured in simple solidarity with the less noticed in our community.  The authentic proximity with Christ never alienates or separates the poor.

“Now you are light in the Lord; live as children of light.” (Eph.5:8).  The moment of love happens in the spectrum of light.  The precious microseconds of love and light is unique and repeatable in all our lives as we mirror Christ.  We are consecrated in His light to radiate God’s love.  Transmitting the light of Christ is not just merely a possibility but it is the responsibility as we believe in Him.  “Therefore, be imitators of God, as beloved children, and live in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.” (Eph.5:1).

Love unties the knots of evil and dispels the shadows of darkness.  The tender love of God is to be seen in the merciful acts of our daily

Who or what is draining our love for God and others?  Darkness sets in as love is drained selfishly and sinfully.  A sinful life is a self-inflicted pain and self-condemned prison we ourselves choose to live when we drift away from the love and light of Christ.

Jesus dared to call the lady a child of God and untied the knots of demons on a Sabbath day when the Pharisees had their reservation in showing compassion and love.  Jesus tells all of us today as He said to the lady: “You are set free from your ailment.” (Lk.13:12).

Let us continue spreading the love and light of Christ even when no one notices or appreciates us.  Wishing you all a happy festival of light, Diwali.   God bless you.

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