Life is not all about choosing the best but giving the best to humanity

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 29th October

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 29th October 2022.  We celebrate the Saturday memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  We reflect on Philippians 1:18-26 and Luke 14:1, 7-11.

Are we ashamed to do good?  Who do we promote when we do good?  Is it possible to choose the last and the least?  Can Christ be exalted in our body whether in life or death?

We all love to choose the best nothing less than the best indeed in everything including places, persons, and programmes.

Without being in Christ it is impossible to do good.  We all have the desire to be with the Lord and be united with Him.  “For to me, living is Christ and dying is gain.” (Phil. 1:21).

Our value in front of God is multiplied as we attempt to do good and be good.  In the first reading, St. Paul highlights this priority of being in Christ.  Unless we participate in the sufferings and struggles of the poor and those who are in need, we will not be able to experience being in Christ.  It is easy to recognise Christ in those to who we relate and recreate.  The challenge for every one of us is to recognise Him in the least and the last.

Jesus takes it so directly into His teaching as he was invited to share a meal with the Pharisees.  “For it is better to be told, “Come up here, than to be put lower in the presence of a noble.” (Proverb 25:7).  Life is not all about choosing the best but giving the best to humanity.  Our mission and ministry are there only to offer the best.

What is our motive to be good and do good?  If our reason to do good is not for the Lord, then we must relook at our choices.  May God bless you to give the best as we engage always choosing the best.

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