Discipline, patience, parenting and growing up are the narrow door in a relative sense

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 26th October

May the Lord give you grace, peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 26th October 2022.  We reflect on Ephesians 6:1-9 and Luke 13:22-30.

Carl G. Jung in his book, Modern Man in search of a Soul, points out, “Neurosis is an inner cleavage – the state of being at war with oneself.  Everything that accentuates this cleavage makes the patient worse, and everything that mitigates it tends to heal the patient.”

In life we are in a hurry to correct, and counsel others while we are at war within.  At times we are struggling so much right within, we begin blabbering a lot about others.

“The very thing that I am so reluctant to concede to others and to myself is, in fact, our greatest need: true love and appreciation of self,” confessed by John Powell.

Discipline, patience, parenting and growing up are the narrow door in a relative sense.  It is reciprocal for the parent and children to complement in listening and learning from each other.  Discipline without dignity, concern without compassion, loving without lust, leading without leaning, understanding without undermining, and serving without selfishness are the attitudes to live what the Lord tells us today in the Gospel.  The last who will be first, and the first who will be last.” (Lk.13:30).

Let us not overdo anything that triggers the opposite.  May our mentor be the one with whom we have placed all our trust.  God bless you and grant you the courage to enter the narrow gate to experience the broader vision of beauty, love and goodness in everyone and everything.

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