Vocation is God’s gift to every one of us to serve God and humanity

May the Lord give you peace. It is 07th July 2023.  We reflect on Genesis 23:1-4, 19, 24:1-8,

May the Lord give you peace.

It is 07th July 2023.  We reflect on Genesis 23:1-4, 19, 24:1-8, 62-67 and Matthew 9:9-13.

Is Jesus calling you to serve Him?

“‘I desire mercy, not sacrifice.’ For I have come to call not the righteous but sinners.” (Mt.9:13)

Vocation is God’s gift to every one of us to serve God and humanity.

Have we found our vocation correctly?  How do we know we have chosen the correct vocation?

It is by serving God and humanity, we can be sure that we are in the right direction.  Our life revolves around our family, friends, relatives, and well-wishers without including the concerns of the poor and the needy, we might be in the wrong vocation.

Jesus calls Matthew or Levi, a disciple, and a tax collector.  The most despised group of people in Jewish society at the time.  God calls us to serve no matter what status we have in our life whether we are living a life that is admired by society or not.  God sows the seed of serving in every one of us.  It is up to make it grow for the welfare of others and for the suffering of humanity.

Everyone chooses the best to run their institution, but Jesus chooses people who are unpopular, impoverished, and uneducated in society most of the time.  We might be thinking that we are not worthy to serve the Lord but surely, we are the ones God wants us to serve humanity.  Serving humanity with love and respect is serving God.

We too wonder about the choices of God in the lives of people we are familiar with.  Why God picked this person, not that person?  God chooses the faulty and fragile in the sight of the world to deal with the fertility of hearts.  Remarkable and amazing acts happen through those we undervalue and overlook in our lives.

Even though we are sinful and unclean right within, God can make us clean by our humble service and charity to humanity.  Our personal conversion is required before we communicate with God and the community.

May we discern our vocation and become the instrument in the Hands of God and in the Heart of people.  Have a peaceful day.  God bless you.

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