Fasting is the deep expression of love, not discipline or penance or sacrifice

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 08th July 2023.  We reflect

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 08th July 2023.  We reflect on Genesis 27:1-5, 15-29 and Matthew 9:14-17.

Is God a burden or blessing in our life?

To become a favourite of God, we need to love God authentically not ritually or materialistically.  Unless God bless us, we are not blessed.  No one can covet God’s blessing through evil means.

Blessing is not reserved for a few chosen people.  On the contrary, we are so blessed because God is our blessing.

Worshiping God must not become a burden or just a duty rather it must be the expression of deep love for the Lord.

We forget God wilfully in two major moments of our lives.  When we are so abundantly blessed, we forget God and We are forced by the gruesome winds of abject poverty and sickness, we abandon God and look for solutions from people.

Fasting is the deep expression of love, not discipline or penance or sacrifice.  Even though God does not benefit from our fasting, we surely do and those with whom we share the resources that we saved from the fasting.

Fasting, foregoing meals renews, rejuvenates, strengthens, purifies, helps us control our desires and become the teacher and make us more willing to serve God and humanity.  Every self-denial cements the fibre of self-esteem in us.

If our fasting does not add flavour to the life of someone, it is not worth fasting.  Time of blessings surely come when we express our love for the Lord through such type of sharing that comes out of personal sacrifice and efforts.  May God bless you and have a good day.

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