Without profound faith in Jesus, we cannot do even a small sacrifice in our life

It is 06th July 2023. Are we admiring or adhering faith of others? We reflect on Genesis 22:1-19

It is 06th July 2023.

Are we admiring or adhering faith of others?

We reflect on Genesis 22:1-19 and Matthew 9:1-8.

A circus performer who made a living by pushing a wheelbarrow across a high wire.  The crowds came out in numbers to watch him and cheer him on.  “Do you believe I can do it?” he would ask them.  “Oh, yes!  We believe you can do it,” all chorused together.  “So, who’s going to get in the wheelbarrow?” he asked.  And there was pin-drop silence.

It is not enough that we admire the faith of others, we all need a deep faith that challenges our very being and behaviour.

Maturity in faith comes from repeated personal sacrifices, suffering and sanctity.  Deep faith in Abraham is on display in the first reading today.  God cannot but act when our faith is manifested with the intention of pleasing God as a sacrifice.

This is the most difficult story to understand how God wanted Abraham to sacrifice his son Isaac.  No parent in their right might would do what Abraham dared to.  We can all have a great debate and discussion on how come God is asking such a shocking act to test someone.  It is so surprising to see that Abraham did not oppose God as Isaac cooperated with his father till the end.

This story leaves us with the message that God rejects child sacrifice and cannot be appeased through his evil act.  Yet, God did not spare his Only Son Jesus.  Isaac foreshadowed Jesus as “the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” (Jn.1:29).

God expects us to be obedient but never encouraged us to have blind obedience.  “To obey is better than sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22).  God sacrificed God’s only Son to save us.  Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son Isaac.  Are we ready to make sacrifices?

Will I be able to let go of something or someone I treasure in my life just because God is asking me?  Are we open to correction and willing to learn that our traditions and rituals need a radical change?

Our sacrifices do not make God more sacred and holy but without our sacrifices, we cannot remain faithful to God.  Sacrifice without faith does not attract God.  Without profound faith in Jesus, we cannot do even a small sacrifice in our life.  In the Gospel, Jesus noticed the faith of those who made sacrifices in carrying the paralytic to Him and He healed him.

Sin is the cancer of the soul that eats up the entire person.  What sin in our life has paralyzed our relationship between God and us?  We will repeatedly hear from the Lord that “Have courage, my son or my daughter, your sins are forgiven.” (Mt.9:2).

May the Lord bless our sacrifices and reward us.

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