It is 05th May 2015. The readings are from Acts.14:19-28 and the Gospel from Jn.14:27-31a. The first reading narrates the humiliations and hardships of St. Paul. The same people in Lystra who wanted Paul and Barnabas to be gods wanted to stone them to death. Paul went near to the jaws of death. But they […]
It is 04th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 14:5-18 and the Gospel from Jn.14:21-26. The first reading presents a strange situation where the apostles were mistakenly taken as gods. The miracles of apostles reminded the people to think of their old connections with the Roman gods such as Jupiter (Zeus) and Mercury (Hermes). […]
It is 03rd May 2015. We celebrate the 5th Sunday of the Easter. The readings are from Acts.9:26-31; 1Jn.3:18-24 and Jn.15:1-8. The first reading declares that abundance of spiritual life in the life of the apostles came because of the close bonding with the Risen Lord. The Lord pruned the apostles before they could bear […]
It is 02nd May 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Athanasius – Bishop, Doctor of the Church—297-373. The readings are from Acts 13:44-52 and the Gospel from Jn.14:7-14. The first reading speaks about the opposition Paul and Barnabas faced from the Jewish leaders. The apostles preached quoting Is.49:6. “I have made you a light […]
It is 01st May 2015. This entire month is devoted to Marian Devotion. The Church dedicates this time to recite rosary meditating on the mysteries of our Lord. We celebrate the memorial of St. Joseph the Worker. The readings are from Acts. 13:26-33 and the Gospel from Jn. 14:1-6. The first reading is the sermon […]
It is 30th April 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Pius V, who chair the throne of St. Peter. He is known for standing uncompromisingly in matters of faith and discipline. He is the Pope who excommunicated Queen Elizabeth of England. He instituted the feast of Holy Rosary and entered this invocation ‘Help of […]
It is 29th April 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Catharine of Sienna, the Virgin and the Doctor of the Church. She is Patron Saint of Italy, and is invoked against fire, pestilence and headaches. Today’s readings are from Acts.12:24-13:5a and the Gospel from Jn. 12:44-50. “While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, […]
It is 28th April 2015. We celebrate the memorials of Sts. Peter Chanel and St. Louis Mary de Montfort. The readings are from Acts.11:19-26 and Jn 10:22-30. The first reading tells us that for the first time the faithful are called Christians. The Christianity was launched on its missionary activities. The members from Cyprus and […]
It is 26th April 2015. The 4th Sunday of the Easter. It is the Good Shepherd’s Sunday and the World Day of Prayer for Vocations as we continue to reflect the Risen Lord. The readings are from Acts.4:8-12; 1Jn.3:1-2 and Jn.10:11-18. In today’s first reading, Peter asserts unequivocally before the Jewish assembly that there is […]
It is 25th April 2015. The feast day of St. Mark, the Evangelist. He is the Patron of lawyers and invoked against lightning and rain. The readings are from 1 Pt.5:5b-14 and the Gospel from Mk.16:15-20. The first reading speaks about the qualities of the Christians and a special greetings to St. Mark. Humility is […]