It is 09th October 2015. We celebrate the martyrdom of St. Denis and his companions. The readings are from Joel 1:13-15; 2; 1-2 and the Gospel from Lk.11:15-26. Joel means Yahweh is God. Joel, a learned prophet who warns us the imminent disaster during the day of the Lord. He insists prayer, penance and fasting as the answer to face the Lord of mercy. He sternly warns us the urgency to shield ourselves with penance to encounter God. “Let all the inhabitants of the country tremble, for the day of the Lord is coming, yes, it is near.” (Joel.2:1) The responsorial Psalm prays, “The Lord will judge the world with justice.” (Ps.9:9). The Gospel reprimands us to be aware of the snares of the devil. Yes, the Lord’s resurrection has defeated Satan and humiliated once and for all. We all enjoy the grace from the victory of Jesus on the Cross through the Resurrection. Yet, we need to be careful about the traps, glamour, and deception of Satan on a daily basis. The Satan tries to win over us with new prophets and teachers through their strange doctrines. Every believer has to make the decision in favour of Christ and against Satan. God does not need God’s mighty power to deal with Satan, but just the power of the finger of God is sufficient to deal with it. Good things come in small packages while the Satanic things come in with its pomp and glory. Let us take the side of Jesus in dealing with our temptations and decision makings. May God give you peace.

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