It is 06th October 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Bruno, the Priest. The readings are from Jon.3:1-10 and the Gospel from Lk.10:38-42. The first reading brings out the need for change of heart. The Ninevites were violent and non-believers yet they were open to the message of repentance from Jonah. By our repentance, we change our heart and mind. God gives us the chances to repent through various means. God hates the sins in us not the person. The repentance is another chance of experiencing God’s love and compassion. It is the moment of correction from God not for a revenge. By repentance God changes the sinner. The responsorial Psalm prays, “If you, O Lord, should mark our guilt, Lord, who would survive?” (Ps.129:3). The Gospel illustrates the style of serving Jesus. Martha had a style of serving and Mary had her own style of serving. Yet, Martha looked down on the style of her sister. There is a contemplative style and an active style. One complements the other. Contemplation without action and action without contemplation are not helpful. No style of meeting Jesus is inferior to the other. We only need to be careful in serving Jesus that we do not overdo it to end up serving ourselves and our motives. What is required is spending a quality time with Jesus whether through completive style or in active style. May God give you peace.

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