It is 15th May 2015. The readings are from Acts.18:9-18 and the Gospel from Jn.16:20-23. The first reading talks about the ministry of Paul in Corinth for eighteen months. “Do not be afraid to speak out, not allow yourself to be silenced: I am with you. I have so many people on my side in […]

It is 14th May 2015. We celebrate the feast of St. Matthias, the Apostle. He is the patron of tailors, carpenters, reformed alcoholics and is prayed against smallpox. The readings are Acts. 1:15-17, 20-26 and the Gospel from Jn.15:9-17. The first reading describes the election of Matthias in the place of Judas Iscariot. “And they […]

It is 13th May 2015. We remember Our Lady of Fatima. The readings are from Acts.17:15,22-18:1 and the Gospel from Jn.16:12-15. The first reading presents the missionary work of Paul in Athens, the centre of Greek culture, philosophy and education. Paul began to speak on the works of God and leading them to understand the […]

It is 12th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 16:22-34 and the Gospel from Jn.16:5-11. In the first reading, Paul and Selas faced hostility in Philippi, a Roman colony. The law-makers stripped them naked, lashed them and put them in prison. The missionaries were singing and praising God in the prison. No matter what […]

It is 11th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 16:11-15 and the Gospel from Jn.15:26-16:4a. The first reading is the first response from Europe through a convert named Lydia, who was a wealthy business lady. God ‘opened her heart’ (Acts.16:14). Lydia was neither a Jewess nor a proselyte but God fearing and lived a […]

It is 10th May 2015. It is 6th Sunday of the Easter. It is Mother’s Day. Thank you for accepting to be a mother and continue to expand the love of God through your sacrificial love. May the Lord truly bless all the mothers today. The readings are from Acts 10: 25-26,34-35,44-48; 1 John 4: […]

It is 09th May 2015. The readings are from Acts.16:1-10 and the Gospel is from Jn. 15:18-21. The first reading is the second missionary journey of Paul and his companions. Timothy, a young Jew becomes a travelling companion in the missionary activity. The Church steps into Europe through the vision of Paul. Paul looked for […]

It is 08th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 15:22-31 and the Gospel from Jn. 15:12-17. The first reading brings out what the Church stand for. The Church stands for holiness and unity. The Church, having discussed the issues sent the letter along with its representatives to present it warmly. Our differences must not […]

It is 07th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 15:7-21 and the Gospel from Jn.15:9-11. The first reading is the outcome of the first council of the Church and the model of all. Peter presented the case and James led the Church with eloquence and personal example. The Council wanted to treat everyone equal […]

It is 06th May 2015. The readings are from Acts. 15:1-6 and the Gospel from Jn.15:1-8. The first reading presents a decisive moment of the growth of the church. Some people wanted this young and new Christian way of living to put on the coat of Judaism or rather to keep it as an offshoot […]