It is 03rd March 2015. The readings are from Is. 1:10, 16-20 and the Gospel from Mt. 23:1-12. The first reading points out that our conversion and sacrifices must be genuine. There are six acts of mercy are given to be clean and pure during this Lent. They are as follows: Stop sinning, learning to […]

It is 2nd March 2015. The readings are from Daniel 9:4b-10 and the Gospel from Lk.6:36-38. The first reading provides us a prayer of Daniel. Daniel looks at himself as a sinful person along with others before God. Sin brings shame and guilt in us. Sin makes us to be far from the original design […]

It is 01st March 2015. It is the Second Sunday of the Lent. It is also the Reconciliation Sunday. The readings are from Gen.22:1-2,9a, 10-13, 15-18; Rom. 8:31b-34 and the Gospel from Mk. 9:2-10. The first reading presents the total obedience of Abraham to God. This event is a protype of God the Father and […]

It is 28th February 2015. The readings are from Deut. 26:16-19 and the Gospel from Mt. 5: 43-48. The first reading is a reminder to all God’s children about following God’s law. We are the children of God by observing the commandments, the statutes, and His ordinances. Our consecration comes by obeying the commandments of […]

It is 27th February 2015. The readings are from Ez. 18:21-28 and the Gospel is from Mt. 5:20-26. The first reading invites to be repented because of God’s mercy is so abundant. We all fear whether our sins of the past be forgiven after we get repented. The Prophet Ezekiel answers through the reading that […]

It is 26th February 2015. The readings are from Esther 14:1, 3-4, 11, 13-14 and the Gospel from Mt. 7:7-12. The first reading is a powerful prayer of Queen Esther who put the entire trust in the Lord. “Now help me O God, I am alone and have no one but you.” (Est.14:3). Prayer made […]

It is 25th February 2015. The Readings are from Jonah 3:1-10 and the Gospel from Lk. 11:29-32. The first reading offers the importance of repentance. As the Ninevites repented, so we are expected to repent. Repentance changes God, and His mercy could be experienced through our personal repentance. Preaching repentance is not a desirable assignment. […]

It is 24th February 2015. The Readings are from Is.55:10-11 and the Gospel from Mt. 6:7-15. The first reading promises us the power of God’s word and its effects on us. The Word of God comes to us during this Lent will not return to God without its impact on us. It is in our […]

It is 23rd February 2015. It is the memorial of St. Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr. He was burnt to death in the stadium for the faith he held. His writing are the evidences of the early Christian living. The readings of the day are from Lev. 19:1-2, 11-18 and the Gospel from Mt. 25:31-46. The […]

It is 22nd February 2015. It is the First Week of the Lent. The readings are from Gen.9:8-15; 1Pet.3:18-22 and the Gospel from Mk.1:12-15. The first reading reminds us the covenant God made to Noah. God reassures Noah that God will repopulate them again. As Noah was saved through the flood, we are all cleansed […]