It is 5th December 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 35:1-10; and the Gospel from Luke 5:17-26. The first reading offers hope to all who read this passage telling that God himself will come to save us. This is the message of consolation given to those who were in the exile of Babylonian. The sin […]

It is 4th December 2016. We enter into the Second Sunday of the Advent. We light a second purple candle to represent the hope of Christ coming to the world. The word “hope” has two meanings in the Bible. The first one is the sense of eager anticipation or waiting and the second is a […]

It is 3rd December 2016. We celebrate the feast day of St Francis Xavier, Priest. He is one of the prominent missionaries in the history of the Church. He is one of the patrons of missions. His prayer to the Lord was, “Give me souls.” His thirst for souls urged him to go to the […]

It is 02nd December 2016. We celebrate the first Friday dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We must approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation and thereafter to receive the Holy Communion. The readings are from Isaiah 29:17-24; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:27-31. The first reading instils hope in each one of us by […]

It is 29th November 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 11:1-10, 11-14; and the Gospel from Luke 10:21-24. The first reading speaks of Jesus as the second David filled with all the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. A descent of David would rule forever (2 Sam.7:16). Jesus is the Messiah who will establish the […]

It is 28th November 2016. The readings are from Is.2:1-5 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:5-11. The first reading assures us peace and blessings to all people and nations when they are approaching the Lord’s temple. It is an open and personal invitation to all who live in this world, “Come, let us walk in […]

It is 27th November 2016. We are celebrating the First Sunday of the Advent. The readings are from Isaiah 2:1-5; and the second reading from Romans 13:11-14; and the Gospel from Matthew 24:27-44. We begin the new liturgical year. We are invited to be ready and be prepared to receive the Lord. We contemplate the […]

It is 26th November 2016. The readings are from Rev. 22:1-7; and the Gospel from Luke 21:34-36. This is the last day of the liturgical year. Our readings invite us to reflect on the end times and the beginnings of eternal life with God. We read the last chapter of the book of Revelation as […]

It is 25th November 2016. We celebrate the memorial of Catherine of Alexandria, virgin and martyr. She spoke against the idol worship during the time of emperor of Egypt. He imprisoned her and tortured her on a spiked wheel and finally beheaded. Her shrine is on Mount Sinai. The readings are from Rev. 20:1-4, 11, […]

It is 24th November 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St Andrew Dung-Lac and the Companions, Martyrs. The readings are from Rev.18:1-2, 21-23, 19:1-3, 9; and the Gospel from Luke 21:20-28. The first reading speaks about the destruction of the greatest city of evil for its wickedness by God. Babylon is indeed the actual and […]