It is 30th March 2017. The readings are from Exodus 32:7-14; and the Gospel from John 5:31-47. There is always another chance with God when we repent. When there is someone like Moses interceding for our cause, we must not hesitate to return to the Lord. The first reading presents us with the stubborn unbelief of the people of Israel even after the Lord has brought them out of their slavery in Egypt. We always ask for prayers from others every now and then yet we are very much hesitant to leave our personal and secretive idol worship that is making God angry in our lives. Lent is the time to recognize those idols which disconnect us from God. We all have a secretive and sinful idol we worship personally. It is time to destroy those sinful altars where sins are committed without any remorse and disturbance of the conscience. “And the Lord repented of the evil which he thought to do to his people.” (Ex.32:14). Our unbelief will cost us to end up in the eternal punishment. Our ever loving and forgiving God is not interested in destroying us no matter what the idol we worship and create, but God is very much expecting us to destroy the idol that made us to depart from the love of God. It is the opportune time to get rid of the idols in our lives. The responsorial Psalm prays, “O Lord, remember me out of the love you have for your people.”(Ps.105:4). We encounter Jesus who goes through the rejection and unbelief in Him. Even after miracles and healing, the people found it hard to believe in the Lord. They shut down all the doors hope and faith in Jesus. We too are invited to look at during this most special time to open our lives where darkness prevails. What the things and people who have made our spiritual eyes to be shut to Jesus? Let us make efforts to resolve everything with one another. May God bless you with peace.

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