It is 15th May 2017. The readings are from Acts 14:5-18; and the Gospel from John 14:21-26. The first reading emphasizes the need of the Holy Spirit in the lives of the mission of the Church. The task of the Holy Spirit in creation is: to rule it, to sanctify it, to animate it, to […]

It is 14th May 2017. We celebrate the Fifth Sunday of Easter. We too celebrate the Mother’s Day. May the Lord kindly bless all the Mothers. The readings are from Acts 6:1-7; and the second reading from 1 Peter 2:4-9; and the Gospel from John 14:1-12. The first readings shares with us the growth and […]

It is 8th May 2017. The readings are from Acts 11:1-18; and the Gospel from John 10:11-18. In the first reading, we see a growing church which accommodates everyone. Everyone has place in the Heart of God and the message of love and mercy for all people even those who are so called not spiritually […]

It is 6th May 2017. The readings are from Acts 9:31-42; and the Gospel from John 6:60-69. Peace began to flow into the Church after the martyrdom of Stephen and the persecution and conversion of Paul. The first reading sketches out the environment and the activities that brought about peace in the church. The healing […]

It is 5th May 2017. It is the first Friday of the month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The readings are from Acts 9:1-20; and the Gospel from John 6:52-59. The conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus we read in the first reading. The story is so significant for the […]

It is 4th May 2017. The readings are from Acts 8:26-40; and the Gospel from John 6:44-51. Victor Frankl asserted in his book, Man’s search for meaning, that “When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” The first reading presents the ministry of St. Philip who changed […]

It is 3rd May 2017. We celebrate the Feast of Saints Philip and James, the Apostles. The feast of these two apostles St. Philip and St. James is celebrated together because of the church dedicated to them in Rome (which is now called the Church of the Twelve Apostles). These two apostles offer two types […]

It is 2nd May 2017. We celebrate the memorial of St Athanasius, Bishop & Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Acts 7:51-8:1; and the Gospel from John 6:30-35. The first reading reports the murder of the first martyr Saint Stephen for having pointed out so bluntly that they are responsible for the death […]

It is 1st May 2017. We celebrate the Memorial of St Joseph the Worker. Pope Pius XII in 1955 instituted the commemoration reminding us all that human labour brings dignity to individuals and that work is for the good of everyone. In every good work we do, we all can feel the presence and power […]

It is 30th April 2017. We celebrate the Third Sunday of Easter. The readings are from Acts 2:14, 22-33; and the second reading is from 1Peter 1:17-21; and the Gospel from Luke 24:13-35. In the first reading, St. Peter preaches the people and convincing them that Jesus is risen from the dead by the power […]