It is 1st April 2018. We celebrate the Solemnity of the Lord’s Resurrection. Wishing you all a happy Easter. May the Risen Lord fill you with His light and bless every step you make. The readings are from Acts 10:34, 37-43; the second reading is from Colossians 3:1-4; and the Gospel from John 20:1-9. At […]
It is 30th March 2018. We celebrate the Passion of the Lord on Good Friday. The readings are from Isaiah 52:13-53:12; the second reading is from Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9; and the Gospel from John 18:1-19:42. This is the only day, the Church does not celebrate a Holy Mass. Good Friday is the only day in […]
It is 29th March 2018. We celebrate Maundy Thursday today. It is the day the Lord challenged us to follow Him in His suffering, pain and glorification. It is the day we commemorate the Institution of the Most Holy Eucharist, the Priesthood and the New Commandment of love. The actual presence of Jesus in the […]
It is 28th March 2018. The readings are from Isaiah 50:4-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 26:14-25. Spying on the mystical Body of Christ is the worst way of diverting the attention of others on our sins and sinful living. Some are highly qualified to spy others; some others are trained to spy the activities […]
It is 26th March 2018. The readings are from Isaiah 42:1-7; and the Gospel from John 12:1-11. Love never dies. The acts of love are the energies of a loving heart. The expressions of love could be criticised by many people yet it is always immersed in proving the authentic love towards the one in […]
It is 24th March 2018. The readings are from Ezekiel 37:21-28; and the Gospel from John 11:45-56. As we are preparing ourselves to enter into Holy Week, the intention of God for the Lent is unfolding in our readings. In the first reading the prophet Ezekiel brings out the vision of God for God’s people. […]
It is 23rd March 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St. Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop. The readings are from Jeremiah 20:10-13; and the Gospel from John 10:31-42. When we are bitter about the way we have been treated, abused and taken for a ride under the banner of love, where do we keep our God […]
It is 22 March 2018. The readings are Genesis 17:3-9; and the Gospel from John 8:51-59. The Word of God changes not only the way we relate with one another and the way we are right within ourselves. God’s Word brings fruitfulness and blessings when it is received and practised. God does not forget God’s […]