It is 8th August 2018. We celebrate the Memorial of St Dominic, Priest. We wish all the Dominicans a happy feast appreciating all that they are doing to the humanity all around the world. The readings are from Jeremiah 31:1-7; and the Gospel from Matthew 15:21-28. Our persistent faith in God attracts and magnifies the love of God in our lives. God is not tired of loving us. When our faith moves God, we truly feel loved and blessed by God. The untiring encouragement of the faith in God brings peace and stability in our lives. In the first reading, God assures God’s people through the prophet Jeremiah, “I have loved you with an everlasting love, so I am constant in my affection for you. I build you once more; you shall be rebuilt.” (Jer. 31:3). God’s love for is constant and unchanging. We have repeatedly dumped God for a menial cause yet God has not found one reason to dump us in to the bin of hopelessness. Our infidelity and waywardness do not alter the way God loves us. God surprises us and stunts us innumerable times. God’s guidance is sure for those who have faith in God. Whoever has destroyed the bricks of hopes in our lives, God is still building anew every tiny layer of development. God continues to guide us even when we have decisively followed the voices of the evil. The responsorial Verse praises, “The Lord will guard us as a shepherd guards his flock.” (Jer.31:10). The Gospel presents us with a new trajectory of faith that insists the change and recognition we desire from Jesus. Even if the blessings that are due for us seems to be distant yet our faith in Jesus makes every blessing possible. Jesus comes closer to offer all the blessings we need, when we have developed a relationship through our faith in Him. May we always trust in God who never changes love according to God’s whims and fancies. May the love of God be assured and assimilated in every moment of our lives. Have a good day and God bless you.