It is 13th August 2018. We celebrate the memorial of the saints Pontian , Pope and Hippolytus, Priest and Martyrs. The readings are from Ezekiel 1:2-5, 24-28; and the Gospel from Matthew 17:22-27. Meeting God in a vision, or in a glimpse, or in an event or in a person is indeed a moment for the soul to listen to the call of God. God calls us for so many things to be done in our lives and in others. God prepares us during such visions to face the worst or an impending war, or a pain. God never leaves us and God expects us to respond to God’s graceful moments in our lives. In the first reading, in a vision, God called Ezekiel to be the prophet and preparing him to announce the destruction of the temple and the Babylonian exile. God asked the prophet to accompany them and strengthen them during the exile. The vision of God is the assurance to the prophet that God is so mighty to deal with any human problems. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Your glory fills all heaven and earth.” (Ps.148:14). The Gospel teaches us a valuable less from Jesus’ life. Even though He was the Son of God, He did not forget the fulfil the duties as a person belongs to the society. Our status and position must not exempt us in following the ordinary laws of the society. Jesus, being the Son of God to whom all of us owe Him, yet He left us with the model of being tolerant and docile. Only being faithful to the ordinary events and things of our lives, we begin to be holy and prophetic. May the Lord continue to help us to stand for, speak for and live for God daily. May you have a good day.