It is 7th December 2018. It is the first Friday of the month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We too celebrate the memorial of St Ambrose, Bishop & Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Isaiah 29:17-24; and the Gospel of Matthew 9:27-31. God is rolling out a dream for the […]

It is 6th December 2018. The readings are from Isaiah 26:1-6; and the Gospel from Matthew 7:21, 24-27. With faith we have the right to enter the city of God, the abode of the Almighty. Peace comes to us when we have placed our hope in God. The things in us and around us could […]

It 5th December 2018. The readings are from Isaiah 25:6-10; and the Gospel from Matthew 15:29-37. Our hunger and thirst are not merely physical but it is deeply spiritual. Even though some of us are blessed with material affluence, yet we feel that there is something we have not felt satisfied which can only be […]

It 5th December 2018. The readings are from Isaiah 25:6-10; and the Gospel from Matthew 15:29-37. Our hunger and thirst are not merely physical but it is deeply spiritual. Even though some of us are blessed with material affluence, yet we feel that there is something we have not felt satisfied which can only be […]

It is 4th December 2018. We celebrate the memorial of saint John Damascene, doctor of the Church. The readings are from Isaiah 11:1-10, 11-14; and the Gospel from Luke 10:21-24. Peace and justice come by the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We all long to have peace by all means. We wish […]

It is 3rd November 2018. We celebrate the memorial of St. Martin de Porres. The readings are from Phil. 1:18-26; and the Gospel is from Lk. 14:1, 7-11. As we are in the month for the Holy Souls and we remember our loved ones who have gone before us, it is good to reflect a […]

It is 2nd November 2018. We celebrate the solemn Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed as the All Souls Day. The Church proclaims in the Catechism No.1030 and 1031 “All who die in God’s grace and friendship, but still imperfectly purified, are indeed assured of their eternal salvation; but after death they undergo purification, so […]

It is 01st November 2018. The readings are from Ephesians 6:10-20 and the Gospel from Luke 13:31-35. There is a struggle to be joyful and good in our life. Even if we wish to be good, the evil does not allow us to do so. This battle might be a battle against the rulers and […]

It is 30th October 2018. The readings are from Ephesians 5:21-33; and the Gospel from Luke 13:18-21. People who are in love have no difficulty in offering the place and presence to the other without much difficulty. When there is no love and when lust dominates in one’s life, people find it hard to recognise […]

It is 29th October 2018. The readings are from Ephesians 4:32-5:8; and the Gospel from Luke 13:10-17. Every invitation from God must lead us to an inspirational imitation of God that is imbibed in intimacy with God through the acts of charity. This imitation of God brings out the fragrance and aroma of our souls […]