It is 12th April 2019. The readings are from Jeremiah 20:10-13; and the Gospel from John 10:31-42. Having done good works and spoken in favour of justice and peace, we are mostly slapped with threats, abuse even life. It is good to unburden our hearts and spirit to the Lord in times of despair and fear. Our faithfulness to God and truth will provide us the security we need always. Regardless of results, we need to share the Word of God. At times, people mock us, chock us, block us when we share the Word of God. Even if the hearers have issues with the proclaimers of the Word, God has something to tell the one who wish to change one’s life. The first reading is the confession and personal complaint of Jeremiah to God about those who wished to get rid of him after listening to his preaching and teaching. When pain penetrates our beings, prayer must be peak in our lives. When despair dissipates us from God, our confessions needs to be more frequent to God. There is a limitless love and protection from God for the ones who prays and confesses one’s fear and anxiety. Jeremiah presented two complains namely one against God and another against his enemies in the ministry. We have Jeremiah and Jesus in today’s readings to remind us to be faithful to God and to be focused on God in times of abandonment and aggression. When our intense pain turned into prayer, it has the power to reach God so swiftly. On the contrary, when our pain turns into anger, it ends up in an abuse of the other. There are times in our life, God seemly left our lives and to have feeling of not having the energy to trust God anymore, we need to return to the source and submit of our faith in the Word of God. In time of self-doubt, God remains the best protect amidst all human friends and protection. “For to you I have committed my cause.” (Jer.20:12). Accusing God is a form of prayer that attracts God’s attention and immediate response in the most desperate situation like that of Jeremiah and Jesus. God alone has the power to change the course of direction in our painful and broken hopes and prayers. Prayer alone can offer hope through our faith in God. The emptiness and hopelessness can grip anyone who have been rejected and abused by family, friends and God. The responsorial Psalm intercedes, “In my anguish I called to the Lord and God heard my voice.” (Ps.17:7). There is no shortage of blessings and security in God. God knows how to vindicate us when we do not have the syndicate of sins in our hearts. “I can do all things with the One who strengthens me.” (Phil.4:13). The Gospel presents the frustration and fear of Jesus as the leaders opposed bitterly to accept Him as the Son of God. In believing and worshiping, we too will have difficulties in accepting Jesus as our Saviour when we cannot believe His life-giving Word beyond the parameters of prayer and faith. It is easy to forget Jesus in our lives when everything goes well with us. How often do we even pronounce the name of Jesus in our hearts within a day? It is hard for us to perceive good in others, when we are filled with sins, selfishness and evil. May we rise above the doubts with the power of prayer and faith in God. May God be our answers and solutions to all our sufferings and anguish. May you have a good day. God bless you.

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