Mother Mary’s birth signalled singularly a unique contribution to our salvation history

It is on 08th September 2023.  We celebrate the Feast Day for our Beloved Mother Mary on her

It is on 08th September 2023.  We celebrate the Feast Day for our Beloved Mother Mary on her Birthday.  Happy birthday to you Mama Maria.  We love you so much.  Intercede for us all and lead us to your beloved son Jesus.

Are we cooperating with God’s plan?  What is the one quality we emulate from the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Mother?

We read in the Entrance Antiphon, “Let us celebrate with joy the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, for from her arose the sun of justice, Christ our God.”

Mother Mary’s birth signalled singularly a unique contribution to our salvation history.  God the Father entrusted the highest mission of bringing the souls to her only beloved Son Jesus.

We reflect on Micah 5:1-4 and Matthew 1:1-6, 18-23.

Some birthdays are remembered with love and gratitude while some others are reminded out of fear and duty.  Every second there is someone is born in the world but only a few are fondly thought of for all that they are to the community at large.  Mother Mary’s birth was humble and less known to humanity but well known by God.  The entire universe was waiting for the birth of Mary.  Her birth brought the hope of bringing the light of God into the person of Jesus.  Her birthday will remain remarkable and memorable for the entire humanity’s time immemorable because of Her and through Her we have Jesus.

The first reading promises the Saviour through a lady.  “Therefore, he shall give them up until the time when she who is in labour has brought forth;” (Mic.5:2).

The Gospel brings out the generosity and the willingness of Blessed Virgin Mary to cooperate with the plan of God in bringing Christ into the world for our salvation.

Mother Mary offered us the privilege to feel the presence of God so tangibly in the human form of her Beloved Son Jesus.  “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means ‘God is with us.’ (Mt.1:23).

It is by constant surrender to the will of God; that we can encounter and experience Jesus in our lives.  Mother Mary surrendered completely to the will of God even amidst all fear and suffering.  The consistent obedience to the will of God made Mother Mary different from all people.  As we celebrate Her birthday, may we emulate one quality from the life of Mary.

May the celebrations bring us closer to Christ.  May you be blessed through the powerful intercession of Mother Mary.  Have a good day.

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