Our charity to one another is the visible proof of our deep faith in Christ

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 6th September 2023. We reflect

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 6th September 2023.

We reflect on Colossians 1:1-8; and the Gospel from Luke 4:38-44.

We begin reading from the letter of St. Paul to the Colossians in which he thanked God for their faith.  St. Paul wrote this letter while he spent in prison, under house arrest.  He wanted to point out and correct the doctrinal errors the community was practising.  St. Paul himself assured them of his prayers for them in the time of faith crisis.

St. Paul asserted his apostolic authority by reminding them about true teaching and understanding.  “We have never failed to remember you in our prayers, and to give thanks for you to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, ever since we heard about your faith in Christ Jesus and the love that you show towards all the saints.” (Col.1:3,4).

Hope abounds in the environment of charity.

When people are charitable, there is so much hope is injected into the community. Selfishness and indifference murder our hope.

In our ecclesial communion in our churches and in small Christian communities, we too need to pray for one another and encourage them without forgetting to remind where they truly lack.

When charity in our communities is under threat, our faith in the Lord is not strong anymore. Our charity to one another is the visible proof of our deep faith in Christ.

We are all called to intercede for one another in times of need. The responsorial Psalm prays, “I trust in the mercy of God forever.” (Ps.52:10).

In the Gospel, Jesus shows an extraordinary example of the life of prayer even amidst His hectic healing ministries.  Jesus found a quiet place to pray after healing so many including the mother-in-law of St. Peter.

However busy we could be, we need to find a quiet place without many distractions to pray.  It is only through our personal communion; that we get the inner strength to face what may come in our lives. Our personal prayer is very significant for our personal salvation.

Let us have quality time with God as we do our best for God.  May you have a good day.

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