In our spiritual journey to encountering God, we must never slag down; we need to go one step closer to God no matter what pulls us down

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit. It is on 9th September 2023.  We celebrate

May the Lord give you peace in the Holy Spirit.

It is on 9th September 2023.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Peter Claver.

We reflect on Colossians 1:21-23 and Luke 6:1-5.

We are reconciled with God through God’s only beloved Son Jesus.  It shows that we are closer to God because of Christ Jesus.  We enjoy a special favour to be near, chosen and loved by God through the Christ our Lord.

God took this initiative to reconcile so that we all could always stand before God holy and blameless.  Satan is ever ready to inflict guilt and shame and to put us down in front of God.

St. Paul reminds us that we must stand firm in this effort God made through His Son Jesus.  We must not be distracted, dissipated and drift away from the Word of God, the Wisdom of God, and the Revelation of God, Jesus Himself.

In our spiritual journey to encountering God, we must never slag down; we need to go one step closer to God no matter what pulls us down.  God is greater than the Church and its ministers.  God is flawless and sinless.  We can hold nothing wrong against God.

Our unfulfilled expectations in our Small Christian Communities and Churches where we worship must not drag us down.  There are some things we will never be happy about within the Church and in the ministers of the Churches.  Our dissatisfaction and disappointment in the means of salvation need not reduce our collaboration and cooperation in moving towards God daily.

God reconciles everyone in God’s time.  Let us be patient and persevering in celebrating the Word of God and offer our very selves to God.  Such reconciliation demands personal holiness, loyalty to the Word of God, and a sincere openness in reconciling with one another.

Let not our intentions and desires destroy the plan and reconciliation of God in the Church by unreasonable demands to do things the way we wish.  As God made the efforts to make the friendship with the fallen humanity alive, we who have the faith issues like the believers in Colossae, need to reconcile with one another and be friends with one another for the sake of the Word of God that offers our very salvation.

The Gospel reminds us that celebrating the Sabbath means to thank God for all that we have received not finding fault with one another.  God wants to satisfy our hunger in our Sunday worship by offering the Word of God to us week after week.  We go to church to become friends of God not enemies of each other.  Let us reconcile with one another, even when we are delighted with the way the others perform in the church.  Let not our personal holiness be coloured and marred by the offensive behaviours of another.  We still have another added commitment to reconcile them to God.  May you have a good day.


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