Joy is the fruit of the Spirit of God, and it is the direct outcome of having professed our faith in Jesus. 

May the Risen Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It is 02nd May 2024.

May the Risen Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 02nd May 2024.

We reflect on Acts 15:7-21 and John 15:9-11.

Do we want to be happy or joyful?

There is a vast difference between happiness and joy.  Happiness comes by our effort and endeavours in succeeding or obtaining something we longed for while joy comes from the Spirit of God for having worked for Christ and the mystical body of Christ, the Church.

Happiness can be adulterated by the effect of a particular result on the contrary joy gets destroyed only by our own sin.

Joy comes by loving while happiness is experienced in achieving something for us.

Joy is the fruit of the Spirit of God, and it is the direct outcome of having professed our faith in Jesus.

In the first reading we experience the graceful moment for the church to allow everyone to experience the love of God and joy of the risen Lord Jesus.

The first Council of Jerusalem opened the doors of salvations to all people without circumcision.  The leaders invited the brethren to have concessions for the sake of the others to experience the conversion required for salvation.

The Church right from the beginning wanted that no one must be outside and excluded from the light of Christ and the clouds of blessings that by allowing everyone to experience the love of God.

The apostles desired that everyone could experience the power of the Holy Spirit when they confess their faith in Jesus.

Personal prayer and profound spiritual experiences of Saints Peter, Paul and James added the richness in allowing everyone to taste savour of the Lord.

The Gospel assures that our love for one another is founded on the faith in Jesus bring complete joy.

Authentic and genuine love offers joy.  Loving the other person is not a challenge for the one who has experienced the love of God.

Love is a personal choice we all make in relationships.

Without remaining in the love of Christ, no one can experience the promised joy of Christ.

“My joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.” (Jn.15:11).

Joy of Christ is given to those who follow the law of love.

Let us not be satisfied with the happiness of this world rather than to aspire for the joy of Christ by obeying the commands of the Lord and loving the other unconditionally like Jesus.

May you have a good day.  God bless you.

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