To live such a spiritual and lasting happy life, we need to be guided and reprimanded by the Holy Spirit time and time again.

Good morning good people, May the Risen Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit. It

Good morning good people,

May the Risen Lord give you peace and happiness in the Holy Spirit.

It is 4th May 2024.

We reflect on Acts 16:1-10 and John 15:18-21. How do we discern the will of God?

The Guidance of the Holy Spirit in our lives is crucial to make the right move at the right time.

To discern the will of God, we truly need the help of the Holy Spirit.

God shows the right direction through the presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives when we are in dilemma which way to go.

At times, it is the same Spirit of God within us who tells not to go to a particular place.

The first reading narrates the second missionary journey of St. Paul and how the Holy Spirit guided him.

During that journey St. Paul acquired a new companion in the name of Timothy in his early twenties with the help of the Holy Spirit.  Even though Paul wanted to reach the Gentiles during this second missionary journey, he began the preaching with Jews and that is why he circumcised Timothy not to offend them.

Is our life guided by the Holy Spirit and do we make efforts to listen to the voice of Holy Spirit in every move we make?

The Gospel teaches us that to be a follower and friend of Jesus we need to pay the price through suffering and sacrifices.

Why does the world hate the one who loves Jesus and the Good News?

It is because of the life that is contrary to the world and worldly pleasures that leads and makes us come closer to God.

Without suffering for Christ in the world, having not gone through certain amount of humiliation and abuse, we cannot claim ourselves to be the disciples of Christ.

The world offers every pleasure and material affluence while the life in the Spirit of Christ offers us joy and peace in the Holy Spirit which irritates the lifestyle of those who belong to the world.

The believer in Christ is set apart and chosen by Christ for a special and a specific way of life that proclaims the goodness of God through the Gospel way of life.

To live such a spiritual and lasting happy life, we need to be guided and reprimanded by the Holy Spirit time and time again.

May we allow the Spirit of God to lead and discern the way and plan of God in our lives.

May you have a day full of blessings.

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