It is 9th December 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 48:17-19 and the Gospel from Matthew 11:16-19. The first reading brings out the wish and the desire of the Lord for God’s people. Our happiness and security is guaranteed if only we are faithful to the Lord and the Lord’s ways. God teaches the best […]
It is 8th December 2016. We celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. May I wish all of you a very happy feast of our Beloved Mother Mary, who conceived without sin. Mother Mary, pray for us all sinners and lead our souls to Christ. The feast recalls the conception […]
It is 7th December 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St Ambrose, the Bishop and the Doctor of the Church. His intellectual contributions in the administration of the Church at large was remarkable. He was the spiritual instrument for the return of St. Augustine to his faith. The readings are from Isaiah 40:25-31; and the […]
It is 6th December 2016. We celebrate the memory of St. Nicholas, the Bishop. He is the one introduced the character of Santa Clause. He is the patron of children, sailors, and ships providing them safe voyage, prisoners, the unjustly condemned, and the patron for young women seeking marriage partners. The readings are from Isaiah […]
It is 5th December 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 35:1-10; and the Gospel from Luke 5:17-26. The first reading offers hope to all who read this passage telling that God himself will come to save us. This is the message of consolation given to those who were in the exile of Babylonian. The sin […]
It is 02nd December 2016. We celebrate the first Friday dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. We must approach the Sacrament of Reconciliation and thereafter to receive the Holy Communion. The readings are from Isaiah 29:17-24; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:27-31. The first reading instils hope in each one of us by […]
It is 29th November 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 11:1-10, 11-14; and the Gospel from Luke 10:21-24. The first reading speaks of Jesus as the second David filled with all the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. A descent of David would rule forever (2 Sam.7:16). Jesus is the Messiah who will establish the […]
It is 28th November 2016. The readings are from Is.2:1-5 and the Gospel from Mt. 8:5-11. The first reading assures us peace and blessings to all people and nations when they are approaching the Lord’s temple. It is an open and personal invitation to all who live in this world, “Come, let us walk in […]