It is 9th December 2016. The readings are from Isaiah 48:17-19 and the Gospel from Matthew 11:16-19. The first reading brings out the wish and the desire of the Lord for God’s people. Our happiness and security is guaranteed if only we are faithful to the Lord and the Lord’s ways. God teaches the best for us always. “If only you had paid attention to my commandments, your happiness and peace would have been like a river.” (Is.48:18). God is just like the loving parents wishes to teach us, and direct us. We must listen to the Lord by all means in order to enjoy the blessings of God. Refusal to listen to God attracts punishment and evil in our lives. The responsorial Verse prays, “Those who follow you Lord will have the light of life.” (Jn.8:12). The Gospel brings out the condemnation of Jesus on the attitude and nonresponsiveness of the people of His time. People were cynical, and unconvinced when Jesus challenged their comfortable sinful living. We too begin to justify our inconsistencies due to our internal fear of changing something right within after listening to the Word of God. “But wisdom is proved right by her works.” (Mt.11:19). Listening to the Word of is not for a time pass or for pacification of contentment we read the Word of God rather our reading and reflection compel us to change. Advent is the time to change for good so that the absolute and supreme good Jesus be accommodated in our lives. May you have a good day.

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