It is 19th April 2019. It is Good Friday – Celebration of the Lord’s Passion. It is the day of fasting and abstinence. The readings are from Isaiah 52:13-53:12; the second reading is from Hebrews 4:14-16, 5:7-9; and the Gospel from John 18:1-19:42. Suffering purifies our souls and makes us participate in the Passion of […]

It is 18th April 2019. It is our 39th Independence Day for our country beloved Zimbabwe that still searching for freedom from corruption, false promises, mismanagement and the abuse of national resources. Praying with the daughters, sons of Zimbabwe who have been exposed and made naked by poverty, brutality, oppression and indifference of the power-hungry […]

It is 17th April 2019. It is Wednesday in Holy Week which is called Spy Wednesday. The readings are Isaiah 50:4-9; the Gospel from Matthew 26:14-25. How much worth Jesus is for us? Are we also going to sell Jesus for a material gains and bodily pleasures? Judas betrayed Jesus in exchange for money. What […]

It is 16th April 2019. It is Tuesday in Holy Week. The readings are from Isaiah 49:1-6; and the Gospel from John 13:21-33, 36-38. Some of us are consuming sins while most of us are consumed by our sins. Many of us betray the Lord repeatedly while a few deny Him consciously. God wants all […]

It is 14th April 2019. We celebrate the Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. The readings are from Isaiah 50:4-7; the second reading is from Philippians 2:6-11; and the Gospel is from Luke 22:14-23:56. The Holy Week that sealed our salvation in the suffering, death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus. Catechism 560, “Jesus’ entry […]

It is 12th April 2019. The readings are from Jeremiah 20:10-13; and the Gospel from John 10:31-42. Having done good works and spoken in favour of justice and peace, we are mostly slapped with threats, abuse even life. It is good to unburden our hearts and spirit to the Lord in times of despair and […]

It is 11th April 2019. We celebrate the memorial of Saint Stanislaus, bishop and martyr. A bold saint who challenged the king of Poland when he lived an immoral life. When he failed to accept the counsel of the saint, he excommunicated him from the church. To take revenge, the king murdered the saintly bishop […]

It is 10th April 2019. The readings are from Daniel 3:14-20, 24-25, 28; and the Gospel from John 8:31-42. God never forgets the one who remembers God regularly. In life, not everything is going to be alright always. Someone will force us to do something which we are not convinced of or we might deviate […]

It is 9th April 2019. The readings are from Numbers 21:4-9; and the Gospel from John 8:21-30. Somehow sometime, we all either have the encounter with the serpent or bitten by it. If we have not bitten by it yet, we might have some familiarity with those who have been harmed by it. The episode […]

It is 8th April 2019. The readings are from Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; and the Gospel from John 8:12-20. Only the light of Christ can dispel all sorts of darkness and disparity in our lives. God does not keep quiet and watch indifferently when we go through pain and have no proof to defend […]

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