It is 20th April 2021. The readings are from Acts 7:51-8:1; and the Gospel from John 6:30-35. “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never be hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.” (Jn.6:35). We all have hunger for something.  Each one of us know our hunger.  […]

  It is 19th April 2021. The readings are from Acts 6:8-15; and the Gospel from John 6:22-29. If they cannot win you, they will surely bin you. “Blessed are you when people revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely[a] on my account.  Rejoice and be glad, for […]

It is 18th April 2021.  We celebrate the Third Sunday of Easter. The readings are from Acts 3:13-15, 17-19; the second reading is from 1 John 2:1-5; and the Gospel from Luke 24:35-48. In the first reading, St. Peter pointed out to the authorities and listeners that that they killed Jesus.  “To this we are […]

It is 17th March 2021. The readings are from Acts 6:1-7; and the Gospel from John 6:16-21. Life is always a course of discovery not a disclaimer of disaster. and antidote to their work amidst the early church was caught in the violent storm of complaining and mismanagement of the resources meant for the widows.  […]

It is 16th April 2021.   We celebrate the memorial of St. Bernadette Soubirous to whom Mother Mary appeared 18 times and in one of the visions She revealed to her that “I am the Immaculate Conception.” The readings are from Acts 5:34-42; and the Gospel from John 6:1-15. If you have not shared enough, you […]

It is 15th April 2021. The readings are from Acts 5:27-33; and the Gospel from John 3:31-36. A guru lost his priestly ring in his room.  He called all the disciples to help him find the ring in the courtyard.  One of the disciples asked him when you have lost your ring inside the room, […]

It is 14th April 2021. The readings are from Acts 5:17-26; and the Gospel from John 3:16-21. God will go to any extent to bring us out of the prison we are in.  It is our choices and greed put us in the prison of sin, sickness, shame, and selfishness while evangelising the Good News […]

It is 13th April 2021. The readings are from Acts 4:32-37; Psalm 91; John 3:7-15. There is no ideal Christian living without adequate sharing from the heart. Sharing makes us more humane and brings us closer to the heart of God.  The earliest account of sharing everything for the welfare of the common good is […]

  It is 12th April 2021. The readings are from Acts 4:23-31; and the Gospel from John 3:1-8. The Holy Spirit gives us a new birth to enter deeply and to evangelize.  Without being born in the Spirit, we cannot have the access to the Kingdom of God. “Jesus answered, “Very truly, I tell you, […]

  It is 11th April, 2021.  We celebrate the Second Sunday of Easter as Divine Mercy Sunday. The readings are from Acts 4, 32-35; the second reading is from 1 John 5, 1-6; and the Gospel from John 20:19-31. The Divine Mercy Sunday blends all the mysteries and graces of the Holy Week and Easter […]

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