It is 21st May 2018. We celebrate the memorial of Saints Christopher Magallanes and companions, martyrs. The readings are from James 3:13-18 and the Gospel is from Mark 9:14-29. What makes our hearts satisfied and contented? What do we desire most? Is it wealth, pleasure and popularity? What is it that makes our hearts be […]
It is 20th May 2018. We celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost. The Catechism teaches us (CCC 731), “On the day of Pentecost when the seven weeks of Easter had come to an end, Christ’s Passover is fulfilled in the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, manifested, given and communicated as a divine person; of his fullness, […]
It is 19th May 2018. The readings are from Acts 28:16-20, 30-31; and the Gospel from John 21:20-25. We have two concluding passages from the readings of the day. Faithfulness to Christ is the requirement for receiving the Holy Spirit and enjoying the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives. In the first reading, […]
It is 17th May 2018. The readings are from Acts 22:30, 23:6-11; and the Gospel from John 17:20-26. The Address of His Holiness Pope Francis to members of the “Catholic Fraternity Of Charismatic Covenant Communities and Fellowships”31 October 2014, taught in the following way: “The Holy Spirit does two things: he creates unity in diversity. […]
It is 14th May 2017. We celebrate the Feast of St Matthias, the Apostle. The readings are from Acts 1:15-17, 20-26; and the Gospel from John 15:9-17. God chooses whoever God wants to work for Him. People use any method of choosing yet God is the one who approves and ratifies the selection for the […]
It is 13th May 2018. We celebrate the Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord and the Mother’s Day. May the Lord bless all the mother’s specially today with good health, long life and peace of mind with enough material and spiritual resources. As we celebrate the Mother’s Day, there are many mothers are wounded […]
It is 12th May 2018. We celebrate the memorials of Saints Nereus and Achilleus, Pancras, the Martyrs. The readings are from Acts 18:23-28; and the Gospel from John 16:23-28. God sends timely help and resources through people when we work for the Lord and His people. It is the enthusiasm to work for Christ and […]