It is 5th October 2018. It is the first Friday of the Month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let us spend an hour of Adoration with Jesus and receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation and thereafter to participate in the Lord’s Supper to receive the Most Holy Eucharist. The readings are from Job 38:1, 12-21, 40:3-5; and the Gospel from Luke 10:13-16. There is no way we will have answers to all the problems we face in our life. We can all question God and in turn God too will question us for our ignorance, inability and non-cooperation. Would the question-hour between God and us solve the problems we face? Would it not be like opening a pandora box in our life? We cannot understand and we do not need to understand the plans of God. What is expected of us is to be docile and open to the plan of God rather to question it and getting frustrated in not obtaining the answers we desire. We must be like God in divinity, wisdom-filled mind and holiness to question God. When we have better suggestions for God, then we could question the mind of God. Are we reacting too much for the problems of our lives and acting out against God by our frivolous behaviours? In the first reading, Job admits to God that he would never question God. Just like Job, let us better accept the best God has prepared for us. Then Job answered the Lord: “See, I am of small account what shall I answer you? I lay my hand on my mouth. I have spoken once, and I will not answer twice, but will proceed no further.” (Job.40:5). In every encounter and music of love, there is a language of suffering. And in every rope of love, there is string of testing. Untested faith is never been strong. A string that is unwilling to be curled and twisted cannot make a finest rope of hope. More we are intertwined and interlocked with the reality of pain and suffering, more we enjoy the unlocked mysteries of life. The responsorial Psalm praises, “Lead me, O Lord, in the path of life eternal.” (Ps. 138:24). The Gospel demands faithfulness to Christ and His message. Rejecting the message of Christ and dissecting to disbelieve is equal to rejecting Christ himself. May we always be faithful in times of tribulations and trials and making God as the centre of our every move we make in our lives. Let us not waste our resources in hating others but let us begin using the resources to love God and those whom we do not understand and accept. May you have a good day. God bless you all.