It is 5th April 2020. We enter into the Holy Week as we celebrate the Palm Sunday of the Lord’s Passion. The readings are from Isaiah 50:4-7; the second reading is from Philippians 2:6-11; and the Gospel from Matthew 26:14-27:66. The center person of our reflection, inspiration and personal meditation is the person of Jesus […]
It is 2nd April 2020. We celebrate the memorial of St. Francis of Paola, hermit. The readings are Genesis 17:3-9; and the Gospel from John 8:51-59. God’s love is guaranteed to all of us throughout our life. The first reading presents us with the covenant God made to Abraham and was fulfilled in the sacrifice […]
1st April 2020. The readings are from Daniel 3:14-20, 24-25, 28; and the Gospel from John 8:31-42. There is a closer connection between truth and light. Anyone who is truthful leads the other to the light. One who lives in light has an unquenchable thirst for truth. Jesus is the truth and visible face and […]
It is 31st March 2020. The readings are from Numbers 21:4-9; and the Gospel from John 8:21-30. As we come to the end of this month, it is good to reflect about the tsunamic events unfolded all around the world so unprecedently. Safeguarding and social distancing are the way of life every nook and corner. […]
It is 30th March 2020. The readings are from Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62; and the Gospel from John 8:1-11. We reflect about two women namely Susana who was accused of and the woman caught in adultery. Condemnation, sentencing, scapegoating, gossiping, denigration and crucifixion are the stones we carry in our hands to throw on […]
It is 29th March 2020. We are celebrating the Fifth Sunday of Lent. The readings are from Ezekiel 37:12-14; the second reading is from Romans 8:8-11; and the Gospel is from John 11:1-45. We are all faced with the known threat of covid-19 virus scare everywhere. Fear of infection, spreading and dying is in the […]
It is 28th March 2020. The readings are from Jeremiah 11:18-20; and the Gospel from John 7:40-53. Life seems to be unfair at times when we see the innocent are sacrificed, judged deceitfully, and eventually murdered. The silence becomes the only answer for the innocent most of the times. When the friends, relatives, family, systems […]
It is 26th March 2020. The readings are from Exodus 32:7-14; and the Gospel from John 5:31-47. Who is praying for us? For whom are we interceding now and with whom? Without the intercessors, we will be all left unaided spiritually. We all have a saint for ourselves to intercede for in our Church. The […]