It is 3rd Day of December 2014. The Third day of the Advent is inviting us to bring our brokenness and battered humanity due to sin and human frailty. “I feel sorry for all these people; they have been with me for three days now and have nothing to eat. I do not want to send them off hungry, or they might collapse on the way.” Jesus will feel sorry for us too when we bring ourselves to Jesus and willing to stay at his foot. There is a brokenness in our humanity. Woundedness and vulnerability due to our human nature and spiritual likes and dislikes. Going up to the mountain is a spiritual experience. Going up is transcending our human nature into spiritual one. It is a transcendental experience to elevate our spirits to God’s presence. It is human attempt to approach our loving God and feeling the presence in one another. It is not only how deep we are wounded but also the cause of our woundedness. Jesus will not let us go until we are taken care of spiritually and materially. So let us go up to Jesus. May you have a happy day.

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