It is 28th February 2019. The readings are from Sirach 5:1-8; and the Gospel from Mark 9:41-50. In everyone’s life, there is someone or something that delays our returning to the Lord. When heart is mortgaged for money, our souls are caged in sinfulness. A drop of sin can attract the rain of sins in […]

It is 27th February 2019. The readings are from Ecclesiasticus 4:11-19; and the Gospel from Mark 9:38-40. Except wisdom we search for many things in life. Wisdom resides in our being from the day we began the journey of our faith in the Lord. One cannot be wise without the help of the Holy Spirit. […]

It is 26th February 2019. The readings are from Sirach 2:1-11; and the Gospel from Mark 9:30-37. Life is not a painful time altogether and always but if someone is not prepared to be tested by life there is no life indeed. Life is a gift for those who are willing to unwrap, unfold, disclose, […]

It is 25 February 2019. The readings are from Sirach 1:1-10; and the Gospel from Mark 9:14-29. We all wish to have wisdom but searching for it from a wrong person. Wisdom that comes from God is that we all need. God is the origin of Wisdom. God offers wisdom to all whom God loves. […]

It is 24th February 2019. We are in the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time. It is the last Sunday before the beginning of Lent, and we are invited to settle the accounts of revenge, hatred, animosity by showing the utmost compassion, forgiveness and love. Reservoir of love never runs dry even the soul wishes to […]

It is 23rd February 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St Polycarp, Bishop and Martyr. The readings are from Hebrews 11:1-7; and the Gospel Mark 9:2-13. Faith is the unopposed approval of God that offers the believer to hope and to have enormous spiritual power to do and say that pleases God. It is through […]

It is 22nd February 2019. We celebrate the Feast of the Chair of St Peter, the Apostle. It is the commemoration of the highly responsible office entrusted by Christ to St. Peter as the Vicar of Christ, and the succession that continues until today. It emphasizes the unity and the succession of the apostolic foundation […]

It is 21st February 2019. We celebrate the memorial of Saint Peter Damian, bishop and doctor of the Church. The readings are from Genesis 9:1-13; and the Gospel from Mark 8:27-33. Life needs to be multiplied with all its richness. No matter what we have done against God, still God wants to establish the connection […]

It is 20th February 2019. The readings are from Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22; and the Gospel from Mark 8:22-26. Patience pleases God while impatience impeaches God. Impatience blinds the vision of God in our life gradually. How patient are we in times of difficulties? God knows us that our hearts are so spontaneously leaning on the […]

It is 19th February 2019. The readings are from Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; and the Gospel from Mark 8:14-21. God is capable of punishing us when we sin as God cannot stop rewarding us and fill us with blessings whenever we do good. The readings suggest the frustration of God and Jesus on humanity and […]