When our life is between adversity and perplexity, God comes to us to protect us in simplicity

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 10th July 2021.

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is on 10th July 2021.

We reflect on Genesis 28:10-22 and Matthew 9:18-26.

Are we in light or in flight?  Do we need insurance from people or assurance from God?

When our life is between adversity and perplexity, God comes to us to protect us in simplicity.  The stairway is the connection through our prayer, and we are the Bethel that still exists in each one’s heart.

Jacob was running away from his brother’s anger.  God did not abandon him.  When our future is so uncertain, God always assures us through signs of hope and promises.  Jacob realised the spot, the stairway and the sanctuary that connects to God. Communication with God never disappears or is dismantled even amidst life’s most painful and challenging situations. God is always ready to help us.  It is we who need to approach God by all means.

Blessing does not mean untroubled life to realize God’s presence in the troubled waters of life is a blessing.  Jacob is always in conflict: with Esau throughout the narrative; with his uncle, Laban (Gen:29-31); with his wife Rachel (30:1-2); with his sons (34:30); and, most significantly of all, with God (32:22-29).  As we are all fighting the battle with this pandemic.  God is faithful to us.

At some point, life comes to an end abruptly.  Life becomes numb.  A sickness, anxiety, fear, and worry can make us freeze emotionally and spiritually.   The realisation of God’s presence by Jacob, and the faith of the woman who touched the hem of the garment of Jesus all remind us we need to take initiative to come closer when life seems to slip through us.

The official’s daughter and the woman with the haemorrhage in the gospel account are two instances where life is stopped or paused temporarily.  We all need the touch of God to be healed in our life.  However imperfect our faith responses could be, God works through it.  Let us approach and come closer to God.

Despite the struggles we face and go through, we can still approach God in faith and confidence.  Have a lovely day.  God bless you.

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