Just like the Lord, we all need to rise above the criticism and cynicism of the people around us

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is 11th July 2023.  We

May the Lord give you peace and health in the Holy Spirit.  It is 11th July 2023.  We reflect on Genesis 32:23-33 and Matthew 9:32-38.

Will we continue to be good and generous in the absence of incentives and recognition?

We are all called to respond to the invitation to serve, love, show compassion, and be generous to the world, which is insensitive, selfish, sinful, indifferent, and greedy.  We need to imbibe the characters, qualities and personality styles that were found in Jesus.  Let us move away from being mediocre to merciful servants of Christ wherever we are.  Every tiny sacrifice we make not only purifies our souls, but it adds flavour and fragrance to the entire humanity.  It is our moral duty and responsibility to work for the Kingdom of love, peace, joy, and forgiveness.  God counts on us for making the world a better place to live in.  God solely depends on our efforts to make the suffering humanity feel that there is still hope in the Lord through our sacrifices, services, and personal sanctification.

Seldom do we have people around us to appreciate the good things we do.  Just like the Pharisees, there are many people around us to attack scathingly for all that we do.  “He casts out demons by the prince of demons.” It is easy to be dissipated and distracted when we are attacked, undermined, overlooked and exaggerated by people whom we serve and live with.

God offers umpteen opportunities to be at the beck and call of others.  Missing an opportunity to be generous is just like

When people attribute evil to our noble intentions, we feel dejected and harassed indeed.

Just like the Lord, we all need to rise above the criticism and cynicism of the people around us.  There are so much of good deeds that need to be done just because of the shortage of willing and generous people.  “The harvest is rich, but the labourers are few, so ask the Lord of the harvest to send labourers to his harvest.” (Mt.9:38).  Do we want to be the masters of the world or the servant in the vineyard of the Lord?  It is up to us to respond to the call of God.  Our service to humanity is the antidote for the mess we have made by our personal sins.

“Do not be deceived; God is not mocked, for you reap whatever you sow.  If you sow to your own flesh, you will reap corruption from the flesh; but if you sow to the Spirit, you will reap eternal life from the Spirit.  So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time if we do not give up.  So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith.”   (Gal 6:7-10)

What is the one tiny sacrifice or sacred act that reminds us of God to others?

May you have a good day.

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