The two disciples encountered the Risen Lord that changed their life

May the Risen Lord bless you with Paschal joy.    It is 12th April 2023. We reflect on Acts

May the Risen Lord bless you with Paschal joy.    It is 12th April 2023.

We reflect on Acts 3:1-10 and Luke 24:13-35.

Do we have Jesus to give those in need?

We have Jesus to share with those around us.  Unless we spell our faith in the Risen Lord, we might end up spill it.

Meeting the Risen Lord is a personal experience in the light of the Word of God.  The mission of healing and preaching need to go on through our life and works of charity.  Good people could be crucified and incarcerated, never their power of goodness.  The smell of goodness overcomes all the odour of evil.  When we have experienced the presence of the Risen Lord, we are jubilant and joyful that are contagious.

Saints Peter and John continued where Jesus left by healing a man who was crippled.  But Peter said, “I have no silver or gold, but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, stand up and walk.” (Acts.3:6).  Looking at the crippled man intensely like Jesus, they could pass on the message of hope and healing to him. Instantly, the crippled man was healed. “The one who believes in me will do the works that I do and, in fact, will do greater works than these” (John 14:12).

Unless and until we look at those who suffer with the eyes of faith in Jesus, we may not be able to heal rather we might take them for granted or pass them by.  The statement was as profound as the outcome. Having believed and experienced the Risen Lord, we cannot remain hiding and silent.  We need to share Him to those in need.  In the place of the apostles, we are there today to heal the wounds of humanity.  Even if we do not realise the presence of the Risen Lord amidst the challenging and depressing life situation, the Lord of light and life always a companion in our journey.

Some events and encounters with people change our life to the core for good.  The two disciples encountered the Risen Lord that changed their life.  Breaking of bread and the Word of God opened their eyes of faith.  When life and people are unfair, we need to turn to the Word of God and in the active participation of the Holy Eucharist in them we are sure to meet the Risen Lord.  Have we ever felt the joyful burning in our heart after in the Eucharist?

Recognising the Risen Lord is an experience we all can have with faith in Him like Peter, John, and the rest.    We are all on a pilgrimage in the world to meet, greet, tweet in love and respect for the other.  Let us not lose sight of the risen Lord when we are depressed and downcast due to all that is going on in the world and in ourselves.  There is no fear when the Lord is nearby.  We need to ask the Lord to stay with us.  Have a lovely day God bless you.

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