Meeting Christ is the experience of peace and joy in fullness

May the Risen Lord grant you the Paschal Joy of Easter. We reflect on Acts 3:11-26 and Luke

May the Risen Lord grant you the Paschal Joy of Easter.

We reflect on Acts 3:11-26 and Luke 24:35-48.

Are we in peace or in pieces? Or  Are we blaming God or at peace when things do not work the way we wish?

Cardinal Newman prayed like this: “Jesus, help me to spread your fragrance wherever I am.  Fill my heart with your Spirit and your life.  Give your light through me and remain in me in such a way that every person I come in contact with can feel your presence in me.”

When things go right in our lives, we want to take the credit; when things go wrong, we blame God.  St.  Peter gives the entire credit for the healing of the crippled man to the Risen Lord.

Meeting Christ is the experience of peace and joy in fullness.  Peace is not merely the absence of conflicts but a deep sense of knowing that everything will be well.  Peace is proof of the presence of the risen Lord.  Peace flows in when we trust the name of Jesus, the Risen Lord.  The gift of Easter to all of us is peace from the Risen Lord.  Jesus becomes present to a larger group of disciples who were afraid of the Jews.

“You are witnesses of these things. And see, I am sending upon you what my Father promised.” (Lk.24:49).

As the disciples listened to another report of the appearance of Jesus, He comes in front of them all with the message of peace. “Peace be with you” St. Luke wants to tell us that the risen Lord was not a ghost but a body that was transformed that was touched by the disciples and He dined with them. We too meet the risen Lord daily in the Eucharist and receive the mandate to be the instruments of peace and witnesses of God’s love.  We can fulfil only by hearing His word, accepting it, following it and spreading it. How are we going to be the witnesses of the risen Lord in our family, friends and community?

When we are willing to accept the gift of peace from the risen Lord, we can become vibrant witnesses in the world.  May the Lord help us to be witnesses of love, peace and joy wherever we are.  Have a lovely day.  God bless you.

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