It is 21st January 2021.  We celebrate the memorial of St. Agnes, virgin, and martyr.  At the age of 12 she was martyred.  She holds a lamb and a palm.  She is the patron for girls.  At any point of life, we can be holy.  It is not our effort, but it is the gift […]

It is 20th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 7:1-3, 15-17; and the Gospel from Mark 3:1-6. To find a solution for an issue, we do not need to fight. Jesus is our High Priest who never stops doing good to us even when we have decided to forget Him. The first reading emphasis […]

It is 19th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 6:10-20; and the Gospel from Mark 2:23-28. Requesting your prayers and blessings on this day, I thank God for the 25th year of my ordination. God remembers all the good things we do and forgets the evil we do instantly.  To be remembered means to […]

It is 18th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 5:1-10; and the Gospel from Mark 2:18-22. Jesus is our High Priest not by honour, merit, and title but by His Passion, death, and resurrection. We all have some sort of pain in our life whether we are married, single or consecrated.  We all pray […]

It is 15th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 4:1-5, 11; and the Gospel from Mark 2:1-12 We all love rest for our life as the pandemic is exhausting us in every way possible.  Some of us are exhausted emotionally, financially, and having a chocking feeling of living in a small room for the […]

It is 13th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 2:14-18; and the Gospel from Mark 1:29-39. Jesus participates and alleviates our pain and suffering not remains a spectator. To be one among us, Jesus came us as one of us.  To release us all from pain, suffering, emotional congestion, spiritual warfare, Christ took human […]

It is 12th January 2021. The readings are from Hebrews 2:5-12; and the Gospel from Mark 1:21-28. Are we going through some sort of suffering, either physically, mentally, financially, relationally, and spiritually? None of us has an answer that will subside our pain that we go through except the answer we get from the life […]

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