It is 12th April 2015. We celebrate the Divine Mercy Sunday. Our Pope Francis rightly proclaimed the “Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy” Holy Year. The year begins on 8th Dec. 2015 with Pope Francis’ opening the Holy Door in the back of the Basilica and the year ends on 20th Nov.2016. The readings are from Acts. […]

It is 11th April 2015. The readings are from Acts. 4:13-21 and the Gospel from Mk. 16:9-15. The first reading expounds the power of proclamation of the truth about the Risen Lord. “We cannot promise to stop proclaiming what we have seen and heard.” (Acts. 4:20). Changed life always propels us to speak about what […]

It is 07th April 2015. The readings from Acts. 2:36-41 and the Gospel from Jn. 20:8-15. The first reading is the clear response to the message of the Cross is the repentance which brought the first converts. After listening to the preaching and proclamation of Peter, they asked, “Brothers, what should we do? Peter said […]

It is 06th April 2015. The readings are from Acts. 2:14, 22-33 and the Gospel from Mt. 28:8-15. The first reading brings out the belief of St. Peter on behalf of the entire early Christian believers. The Acts of the Apostles is called the Gospel of the Resurrection. The Acts believes strongly that the passion […]

It is 05th April 2015. The Easter Sunday. Jesus is truly risen, Alleluia. The readings are from Acts 10:34a, 37-43; Col.3:1-4 and the Gospel from Jn.20:1-9. Today we are celebrating the victory of Jesus over death and darkness symbolizing our own daily rising to new life. We are refreshed and renewed because of the Risen […]

It is 04th April 2015. We begin the Easter Vigil. There are seven readings from the Old Testament and two readings from the New Testament. The Gospel is from Mk. 16:1-7. The women went to the tomb to anoint the body of Jesus as a sign of love, devotion and respect. “Don’t be alarmed. You […]

It is 03rd April 2015. It is GOOD FRIDAY OF THE LORD’S PASSION. A day of Fasting and Abstinence. The readings are from Is.52:13-53:12; Heb. 4:14-16; 5:7-9 and the Gospel from Jn. 18:1-19:42. The first reading explains the Suffering Servant. The Servant here means Messiah who will be exalted because of His sacrifice. “My servant […]

It is 02nd April 2015. It is Holy Thursday. We celebrate the Triune feasts of the Institution of the Holy Eucharist, the Institution of ministerial priest and the New Commandment of Love The readings are from Ex. 12:1-8,11-14; 1 Cor.11:23-26 and the Gospel from Jn.13:1-15. The first reading celebrates the feast of Passover. God invites […]

It is 01st April 2015. The readings are from Is.50:4-9a and the Gospel from Mt.26:14-25. The first reading invites us to have disciple’s tongue. “The Lord Yahweh has given me a disciple’s tongue, that I may know how to sustain the weary with the word. The word rouses me in the morning, in the morning […]

It is 31st March 2015. The readings are from Is.49:1-6 and the Gospel from Jn. 13:21-33, 36-38. The first reading promises us the Servant of the Lord who will bring the salvation of our God. “I will make you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring my salvation to the ends of the […]