It is 8th September 2015. We celebrate the Feast of Nativity of Blessed Virgin Mary . The Readings are from Mic.5:2-5a and the Gospel from Mt.1:1-16, 18-23. We celebrate the birthday of our Mother Mary, who made our salvation possible through her beloved Son Jesus. Happy birthday to you our ever loving Mother Mary. May those who believe God and Jesus sing your praises on your birthday. The first reading concentrates on the glorious arrival of the Saviour who will protect God’s people. Micah offers a prophecy about the birth of Jesus who comes from the least of people. Even though Mother Mary does not belong to a royal family, yet God brought God’s beloved son through her. God picked her from all people for the salvation of all. Wherever Mary is present, Jesus is with her. Her birth indeed the blessings for all the suffering humanity. She never been tired of taking us to Jesus. She shows a special maternal concern to all those who are suffering and tormented by sin and sickness. “Out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel…” (Micah:5:3). The responsorial Psalm rightly sings, “With delight I rejoice in the Lord.” (Ps.13:6). The Gospel reminds us how Mother Mary answered the call of God to be a generous and self-giving person totally. She gave her entire self to God for the salvific plan. Every birth brings a message. The birth of our Beloved Mother Mary brought us not only Good News but also salvation through her cooperation with God. “Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel, which means, “God is with us.” (Mt.1:23). God is with us always through Mary very intimately, effectively, tangibly, caringly and maternally. Happy feastday of Mother Mary to all of you. May God bless you.

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