It is 05th June 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Boniface, bishop and martyr. The readings are from Tob. 11:5-17 and the Gospel from Mk.12:35-37. In the first reading, we are promised that all things work together for good to those who love and trust the Lord. We read the restoration of eye sight […]
It is 02nd June 2015. The readings are from Tob.2:9-14 and the Gospel from Mk. 12:13-17. The first reading is a strong reminder for us that God rewards fidelity and punishes sin. The entire book of Tobit deals with retribution, reward and punishment. God’s reward for our faithfulness comes in the form of grace. “The […]
It is 31st May 2015. It is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity Sunday. The readings are from Deut.4:32-34, 39-40. Rom. 8:14-17 and the Gospel from Mt. 28:16-20. The mystery of the most Holy Trinity is a basic doctrine of faith in Christianity, understandable not with our heads but with our hearts. The doctrine […]
It is 30th May 2015. The readings are from Sir.51:12-20 and the Gospel from Mk.11:27-33. The first reading emphasises that through prayer, persistent study, and holy living, every one of us must approach wisdom. The author Ben-Sirach believed that Wisdom as beloved and respected teacher and it is the knowledge of God. He was grateful […]
It is 29th May 2015. The readings are from Sir. 44:1,9-13 and the Gospel from Mk. 11:11-25. The first reading encourages us to remember the illustrious people in every occasion. God is honoured and praised when we remember the great human beings and their contributions for the welfare of the common good. They are so […]
It is 28th May 2015. We celebrate the feast of our Lord Jesus Christ the High Priest. This feast was instituted by Pope Pius XI. The readings are from Is.52:13-53:12; Heb.10:12-23 and the Gospel from Lk. 22:14-20. The first reading is the fourth song of the servant songs, which describes the servant as the one […]