It is 17th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor.9:6-11 and the Gospel from Mt. 6:1-6, 16-18. The first reading encourages to be a generous giver for a reason. St. Paul teaches us that there is a motive behind in our giving. Charity is the investment we make in God’s house. We will never […]

It is 16th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor.8:1-9 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:43-48. The first reading is the letter of charity sermons and begging letters. St. Paul urging the followers of Christ to be generous. Paul writes how the poor churches in Macedonia, Philippi, Thessalonica and Berea had been generous. To […]

It is 15th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor. 6:1-10 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:38-42. The first reading strongly reminds us to be the co-workers in the vineyard of the Lord . A co-worker for the Lord is the one who is willing to suffer for another yet having a contented spiritual […]

It is 13th June 2015. We celebrate the memorial of the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary and St. Antony of Padua, Priest and Doctor. The readings are from Is.61:9-11 and the Gospel from Lk. 2:41-51. The first reading reminds us of our Mother Mary. “I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices […]

It is 12th June 2015. We celebrate the Solemnity of Sacred Heart of Jesus. Devotion to Sacred of Jesus is the direct response to the person of Jesus. Jesus expressed his desire to be loved by the humankind and on each one he would bestow his immense treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of […]

It is 11June 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Barnabas the Apostle. Baranabas means son of encouragement. He truly encouraged the budding communities. St. Barnabas introduced St.Paul to St. Peter. He is the patron saint of Cyprus and Antioch. He is also invoked as a peacemaker and against hailstorms. The readings are from Acts.11:21b-26; […]

It is 10th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor. 3:4-11 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:17-19. The first reading talks about St. Paul’s ministry to the New Covenant. He makes a meaningful comparison between the Old and the New Covenant; placing the New over the Old. He claims that our competence in ministry […]

It is 09th June 2015. We celebrate the memorial of St. Ephrem, the Deacon and the Doctor of the Church. The readings are from 2 Cor.1:18-22 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:13-16. The first reading brings out the tension between St. Paul on his reliability with the Corinthians. And so they concluded that St. Paul […]

It is 08th June 2015. The readings are from 2 Cor.1:1-7 and the Gospel from Mt. 5:1-12. The first reading describes about St. Paul during his third missionary journey learnt that how suffering personally shaped him to be a better shepherd for Christ. Suffering is the best teacher even though it is a bitter pill […]

It is 07th June 2015. We celebrate the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ. It is three feasts in one: the feast of the Eucharistic sacrifice, the feast of the Sacrament of the Eucharist and the feast of the Real Presence of Jesus. Corpus Christi is the celebration of the abiding […]