It is 18th November 2015. We celebrate the Dedication of the Churches of Sts. Peter and Paul. The readings are from 2 Mac.7:1, 20-31 and the Gospel from Lk.19:11-28. The first reading presents the martyrdom of the seven brothers. This passage brings out so strongly our faith in immortality and the resurrection of the body for the first time in the Bible. Suffering for a cause is a moment of meeting God. We need to take a stand for God and willing to go through any suffering. It is good always to obey God and God’s law to be with God for ever. The responsorial Psalm prays, “I shall be filled, when I awake, with the sight of your glory, O Lord.” (Ps.16:15). The Gospel explains what is expected of us with the resources God has given to us. When we use the resources and talents God has given for the purpose of the Kingdom, it multiplies and grows rich. When it is hidden and selfishly guarded, it remains unfruitful. God punishes the person who refuses to share in the interests of God. God requires a certain amount of trust and confidence in order to multiply our talents and resources. “I tell you to all those who have, more will be given; but from those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” (Lk.19:26). May the Lord grant us the courage to be part of God’s kingdom by playing our part and sharing our portion for the welfare of kingdom of God. May God give you peace.

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