It is 03rd October 2016. The readings are from Gal.1:6-12 and the Gospel from Luke 10:25-37. The first reading alerts us to be on guard with regard to different type of ‘good news’ other than one already preached. Gentile believers were forced to believe the laws and customs of Moses over the faith in Jesus […]

It is 2nd October 2016. We are in twenty-seventh Sunday of the Ordinary Time. The readings are from Habakkuk 1:2-3, 2:2-4; the second reading from 2 Timothy 1:6-8, 13-14; and the Gospel from Luke 17:5-10. The three readings invite us to flame our faith in order to face all struggles we go through in our […]

It is 01st October 2016. We celebrate the Memorial of St Thérèse of Lisieux, Virgin and the Doctor of the Church. She is lovingly known as the ‘little flower.’ She lived a very short life as a Carmelite nun who dedicated her life for prayer for missionaries. Her writings were known as ‘the little way. […]

It is 30th September 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St Jerome, the Priest and the Doctor of the Church. The readings are from Job 38:1, 12-21, 40:3-5; and the Gospel from Luke 10:13-16. The first reading presents with the most important section of the book of Job in which we read God clarifies Job […]

It is 29th September 2016. We celebrate the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, the Archangels. The entrance antiphon of the mass reads, “Bless the Lord, all you his angels, mighty in power, fulfilling his word, and heeding his voice.” (Ps.103:20). This feast is called Michaelmas. Michael means “Who is like God”; Gabriel is […]

It is 28th September 2016. The readings are from Job 9:1-16; and the Gospel from Luke 9:57-62. The first reading teaches us that God is always right and no one understand the mind and the ways of God. God is too great to be comprehended by human minds yet faith always attempts to do so. […]

It is 27th September 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St Vincent de Paul, the Priest. He attracted many diocesan priests to join him for the salvation of the poor. Through his retreats to the priests and lay people, he encouraged many to be charitable to the poor practically. He founded the Congregation of the […]

It is 26th September 2016. We celebrate the memorial of Saints Cosmas and Damian, the martyrs. The readings are from Job 1:6-22; and the Gospel from Luke 9:46-50. We begin to read from the Book of Job this week. We encounter the man of God, Job as the exemplar of faith and a model of […]

It is 25th September 2016. It is the twenty-sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from Amos 6:1, 4-7; 1Timothy 6:11-16; and the Gospel from Luke 16:19-31. The first reading speaks of the indifference and heartless insensitivity of the rich people and the rulers towards the poor. Since they lived in luxury, they did […]

It is 24th September 2016. The readings are from Ecclesiastes 11:9-12:1-8; and the Gospel from Luke 9:43-45. The first readings invites us to enjoy the prime time of our lives responsibly and to be reminded that God will demand the account of our living when we are at the evening of our lives. The most […]