It is 12th October 2016. The readings are from Galatians 5:18-25; and the Gospel from Luke 11:42-46. In the first reading, St. Paul challenges every believer to make a choice between the works of the flesh and the fruits of the Spirit. He identifies a list of deeds and a list of fruits. The list […]

It is 11th October 2016. We celebrate the memorial of John XXIII, the Pope. The readings are from Galatians 5:1-6; and the Gospel from Luke 11:37-41. In the first reading, St. Paul convinces the Galatians that faith through love is the most important for personal salvation than to hold on to some outward religious practices. […]

It is 10th October 2016: The readings are from Galatians 4:22-24, 26-27, 31; 5:1; and the Gospel from Luke 11:29-32. The first reading explains that we are not under slavery but of freedom, which comes from the faith that we hold in Jesus. Hagar representing the Old Testament and Sinai, the old Jerusalem while Sarah […]

It is 9th October 2016. We celebrate the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time. The readings are from 2 Kings 5:14-17; and the second reading from 2 Timothy 2:8-13; and the Gospel from Luke 17:11-19. All three readings teach us to be grateful to whatever we have received from the Lord. We are invited this week […]

It is 8th October 2016. The readings are from Galatians 3:22-29; and the Gospel from Luke 11:27-28. In the first reading, St. Paul points out that our dignity is established because of our faith in Jesus. We have become sons and daughters of God by the same faith. According to Paul, laws are moral guides […]

It is 07th October 2016. We celebrate the Memorial of Our Lady of the Rosary. It is the celebration of victory over the Turks in Europe through the powerful intercession of Our Beloved Mother Mary. Pope Leo XIII added the invocation “Queen of the most Holy Rosary, pray for us,” to the Litany of Loreto. […]

It is 06th October 2016. We celebrate the memorial of St. Bruno, the Priest. The readings are from Galatians 3:1-5; and the Gospel from Luke 11:5-13. In the first reading, St. Paul reminds the Galatians that their faith is to be inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit always. We need to grow above the […]

It is 05th October 2016. The readings are from Galatians 2:1-2, 7-14; and the Gospel from Luke 11:1-14. The first reading brings out the tension between Paul and Peter in understanding and sharing the meal in common among Jews and non-Jews. Among the early believers, there was a custom to share a meal with one […]

It is 04th October 2016. We celebrate the Memorial of St Francis of Assisi, the Deacon. For us, the Franciscans, it is the solemnity of our Seraphic Father Francis. The readings are from Galatians 1:13-24; and the Gospel from Luke 10:38-42. The little poor man of Assisi offers us a new consciousness, a new practice, […]

It is 03rd October 2016. The readings are from Gal.1:6-12 and the Gospel from Luke 10:25-37. The first reading alerts us to be on guard with regard to different type of ‘good news’ other than one already preached. Gentile believers were forced to believe the laws and customs of Moses over the faith in Jesus […]