It is 6th February 2017. We celebrate the memorial of Sts. Paul Miki & Companions, the Martyrs. The readings are from Genesis 1:1-19; and the Gospel from Mark 6:53-56. The first reading presents us with the first four days of creation. We are invited to reflect on the origin and creation of the world by God. Nothing can exist without God. God is the author and designer of all that we see. God creates and blankets the entire cosmos with variety of lights. In God, there is no darkness. God dispels the darkness of the world by God’s powerful Word. Either God touches the creation or the creation meets God, there is newness, orderliness and integral transformation begins to emerge. God separates and adorns the creation with light, life and variety of blessings. As the creation, so we too are dependent on God. Nothing can subscribe its own origin other than God. Even though God has given us the freewill and choice to make yet we all must depend on God for our survival. Our freedom and liberation comes by acknowledging the power and intervention of God as our creator. We are all just stewards of the God’s creation not the owners. We need to look after all that is created to the fullest possible for our children. The responsorial Psalm praises, “May the Lord rejoice in his works.” (Ps.103:31). The Gospel offers hope in the touch of Jesus. The cure and wholeness comes from the personal encounter and healing touch of Jesus. We are the living witness of hope and healing for all those who are around us. In most probability, there will be lack of recognition, gratitude and appreciation, yet just like our Lord, we must go on healing the world around us without counting the cost. “All those who touched Jesus were cured.” (Mk.6:36). May God bless you to continue the preservation and healing works of God in your lives.

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