It is 4th May 2018. It is the First Friday of the month dedicated to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. The readings are from Acts 15:22-31; and the Gospel from John 15:12-17. In most of the countries, people are broadly categorized as citizens, residents, resident aliens, and aliens. When we consider someone as an […]
It is 3rd May 2018. We celebrate the Feast of Saints Philip and James, Apostles. These two apostles taught us and supported the idea of Church being missionary and the community correspondingly. St. Philip promoted missionary aspect of the church by bringing people to Christ and leading them to God while St. James encouraged the […]
It is 1st May 2018. We celebrate the Memorial of St Joseph the Worker. The Pope Pius XII established this celebration in 1955 remembering all the laborers of the world. We wish all the workers our blessings and prayers as they make this world a better and beautiful place for us. Human labor offers the […]
It is 30th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 14:5-18; and the Gospel from John 14:21-26. The gifts of the Spirit are given not to us make ourselves boasting, bossy and petty gods rather to humble ourselves to give credit to God who deserves the praise and honour for such gifts that are entrusted […]
It is 29th April 2018. We celebrate the fifth Sunday of the Easter. The readings are from Acts 9:26-31; the second reading is 1 John 3:18-24; and the Gospel from John 15:1-8. Fruitfulness in Christian life does not depend on how lively and active we are in the ministry rather it depends on how intimately […]
It is 27th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 13:26-33; and the Gospel from John 14:1-6. In the first reading, St. Paul explains in details the promise of God in the Old Testament and the fulfilment of the promise in Jesus in the New Testament presenting through a sermon to Jews and God-fearing Gentiles. […]
It is 26th April 2018. The readings are from Acts 13:13-25; and the Gospel from John 13:16-20. Are we presenting ourselves, our plans, our agenda, our popularity more than the One who invited us to serve? Serving God requires a deep sense of humility to put God first and acknowledge God in all that happened […]