It is 14th March 2019. The readings are from Esther 14:1, 3-5, 12-14 and the Gospel from Matthew 7:7-12. Life of prayer needs to be regular, not just at the moment of facing trials and tribulations. Our faith in God that offers the courage to communicate with God. We need to strengthen our faith by […]
It is 13th March 2019. The readings are from Jonah 3:1-10; and the Gospel from Luke 11:29-32. When we shoot the messenger always, we unconsciously trying to dilute the message. Most of us have engaged in evaluating, criticising and analysing the preaching and the giver of the Word of God than what is proclaimed. Unless […]
It is 9th March 2019. We celebrate the memorial of Saint Frances of Rome, an Italian lady, a wife, a mother, mystic and outstandingly inspiring in charity towards the poor, the sick and those who were in need. She too inspired many other women to do the same. The readings are from Isaiah 58:9-14; and […]
It is 8th March 2019. We celebrate the memorial of St. John of God, Religious. The readings are from Isaiah 58:1-9; and the Gospel from Matthew 9:14-15. Lenten time is the time to fast and pray. The Church strongly recommends fasting accompanied by prayer and meditating the passion of the Lord in participating in the […]
It is 7th March 2019. We celebrate the memorials of Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs. The readings are from Deuteronomy 30:15-20; and the Gospel from Luke 9:22-25. On the very first day of the Lent, the Mother Church and ever-loving God wants us to choose life and willing to let go life in order to […]
It is 6th March 2019. We begin the Lenten time with the Ash Wednesday. It is the day of fasting and abstinence. The forty days of regeneration of all that is buried by sin and sinful attitudes moistured by healing rays from Christ that dabs our hearts during this blessed time. Ash Wednesday and Good […]
It is 5th March 2019. The readings are from Sirach 35:1-12; and the Gospel from Mark 10:28-31. The smell of sacrifice is sacred, pleasing, and acceptable to the Lord. Sacrifices secrete generosity of heart and of soul. We need to learn giving God the best of what we have received from the Lord not out […]